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Putting Yourself Out There

Oct 15, 2012

I am very excited to have been invited to be a regular contributor to the Daughters of Eve blog! This experience coincides with my agreement with my Divine Mamas that it was time to take the leap and formally begin doing my work in the world. It has been very easy in these last years to go from class to class, studying this modality and that modality, constantly gathering information but never really looking at what I planned to do with it. Gradually, as I have watched inspiring, talented (and terrified as hell) women around me make the leap into doing work that they love in the world, I have also been making my way toward the cliff for my own courageous leap.

Sisters give you courage to do anything you desire but it’s still up to you to do it for yourself. Realizing that is what made me finally accept that I could conceivably spend the rest of my life hiding in groups of amazing and inspiring people, convincing myself that I wasn’t stagnating, I was “getting ready”.

I’ve finally accepted, with a kind of insane glee, that I will not ever really be”ready”. I’ll be “ready” to own a business once my business is successful and profitable. I’ll be “ready” to be a writer once I’ve published my third book. I’ll be ready to be a healer after I’ve booked my 500th client. Because really what it is is that I don’t want to be afraid. I don’t want to feel scared and vulnerable as I begin to offer myself and the soul of my work to the world. But that is exactly what we all have to do. Feel the fear and do it anyway, knowing that we are going to make mistakes and others will see it and it’s going to be really uncomfortable because it’s something that we care about very deeply.

Taking classes gives us information, doing the work is how we develop true wisdom. And that is what makes us most effective as healers and teachers and compassionate, loving guides for others who are seeking their own brightness in the madness of the world we are living in. Every time I want to back track, or continue hiding in classes, I am reminding myself of something I heard someone say about what a loss it is to the world when we do not show up.

And so, today, October 15th, 2012 (the new moon, how fitting!). I formally take the leap before the world. My name is Nadirah Adeye. I am a writer, a doula, and a pleasure coach and guide. My business is called Sacred Sensual Living and I offer classes on sacred and embodied sensuality. I am birthing my offerings to the world and birthing myself and doing my part to co-create a glorious new world through that work.  I give honor to my Divine Mamas and Sacred Aunties: Isis, Hathor/Sekhmet, Oshun, Yemaya, and Aphrodite, and through this writing I offer gratitude to them for the wisdom and guidance they have offered thus far.

And so it is!

In the comments below, please share who you are and the sacred work that you are called to do in the world. Feel free to write it as a spell, type your answers before a candle and invoke the Deities who inform your work.