#SummerOfLove2022 Context and some background
Last year, when I was waiting for Bug to make his arrival, my doctor told me that they might have to induce if he didn’t arrive by X date. I was going for a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) and, for a variety of reasons, they didn’t want to wait too long. I was feeling some increasing stress and upset about the whole thing but, finally, was able to pause, take a beat, and get really clear about what I’d been visioning and intending for myself, Bug and what’s his name in this birthing experience. (love and beauty and connection and joy)
Ultimately, I decided to do a #LoveImmersion weekend and hack my own hormones. Labor induction involves the use of Pitocin, which is artificial oxytocin. I figured, if the doctors can start my labor with the fake stuff, why don’t I see if I can start my labor with the real stuff? (the benefit of this approach being, if Bug wasn’t ready to come, labor wouldn’t start and we’d both just be awash in good, pleasurable, connecting hormones).
For this #LoveImmersion weekend, I decided to go all in on various activities that have been shown to boost Oxytocin – lots of hugs and cuddles, watching comedy and laughing hard, meditation, eating oxytocin boosting foods, going for walks, nipple stimulation and connecting with others (I had a lovely comforting conversation with my mother in law, while bouncing on my birth ball without even realizing that the contractions I’d been having off and on all day were early labor). I also practiced receiving and had a beautiful breathwork session with a friend and colleague, which relaxed my mind and body and opened my heart space.
Result – The #LoveImmersion weekend started on Friday am. My water broke on Saturday night (while I was lounging on the bed like a naked goddess, laughing with what’s his name about foolishness). Bug was born (VBAC success!!!) on Sunday morning.
SO – #SummerOfLove2022 is an invitation for us to get clear on what each of us most needs right now – whether that’s connection with others, time in the sunshine, laughter, rest, pleasure, slowing down, making a change, reconnecting with ourselves, or something else, and making it a priority to give that to ourselves as best we can. No stress or shoulds or pressure. Just clarity in the heart space (as best we can in any given moment) and allowing that to be a priority (as best we can in any given moment).